In the name of development, we have developed modern culture, agriculture, science and medicine. With all these modern developments, diseases have become more harmful, resistant and the human body is deteriorating. Body's immunity to survive against diseases is reducing. Modern Medication is becoming more expensive, which is not affordable by the poor people and this system does not help in the natural activities of the body. The main reason for all diseases is the inappropriate food, irresponsibility of people towards the environment and unnatural lifestyles, etc. Most of the people do not even dream of farming without tilling, fertilizers, pesticides and weeding. Since 1960, for Late Mr. Bhashkar Hiraji Save’ of Umbergaon, all there farming work is done free of cost by Nature. In Mr. Save’s Organic Farming System, they have not tilled land, not used any agro chemicals and only with little water until date, Mr. Save’s family reaps a record harvest.
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Since 1960, we are following only ‘Mr. Save’s System of Organic Farming’ and by actual practice; we have collected all the scientific and concrete proofs. In our Mr. Save’s system, only with little water, farmers get a lot of Healthy Food Production and without much investment and labour farmers get Very Good Profit. Because of Mr. Save’s low cost system and highest profit in the World, we have received many ‘National & International Awards’. Mr. Save’s ‘Zero’ input farming system will stop farmer’s suicide and we all will get ‘The Way to Health, Wealth & Happiness.’
In year 2010, for the first time in the World, after receiving ‘ONE WORLD Lifetime Achievement AWARD’ from ‘IFOAM - Germany’, VERY PROUDLY we INDIAN can say ‘We have World’s Best Agriculturalist Mr. Save’ and his Organic Farming System in India’.
Mr. Save's family, Mr. Ashok V. Sanghavi & Mr. Bharat Mansata’s advice one thing to all the people of the World, ‘DO NOTHING IN ORGANIC FARMING & EARN MORE’. By adopting our 'Mr. Save's Organic Farming System' or by demanding only Organic Farming Production, we all will get Disease - Free Health, Good Wealth, Happiness, Peace and Whole World will get Clean Environment.
For society’s awareness, we have stared 'Natural Farming Learning Centre' at 'Kalpvruksh Farm' and in the class, we show all our Scientific Data. Here we teach that without purchasing anything how to earn big profit for you and for the country. So please take advantage by registering your name forour classes. After learning about organic farming system we can save our useful water, we can protect our environment and by awareness, we can prevent other farmers from committing suicide. Through our book, we show a system by which you can cure any acute / chronic diseases only by 12 Medicines.