
‘Bajaj Foundation Award’ to Shri. Save’ by our Hon'ble Vice President

Mr. Fukuoka World famous farmer said, ‘I have not seen such a system and so from the bottom of my heart I say Shri. Save’ is the ‘Second Gandhi of India’.
As we said that our life’s motto is only one, that is 'Serving Society is Service to God' that is why without any ‘Reward and Award’ since 1960, we are giving ‘Free Service' to the society. In the year 1981 Mr. Sanghavi met Shri. Save’ and Sanghavi brothers got Healthy Life and a lot of benefit from Sanghavi farm's wasteland, then Sanghavi brothers started propagating Shri. Save's System for the benefit of the society. As a result of joint work Sanghavi brothers have recommended Shri. Save name for ‘Prestigious Awards’, received ‘Awards List’ is as under:
- 1. 1993 : 'Person of the year Award' from 'Limca Book of Recorders'- Mumbai.
- 2. 1993 : Received a place in the 'Limca Book of World Records' for generating the highest production and profit in the world with 'Shri. Save's Organic Farming System'.
- 3. 1993 : 'Nisarg Bhushan' award from Shri Mohan Dhariya (M.P.) president of 'National Foundation of Organic Farming' at Sangli – Maharashtra.
- 4. 1994 : 'New System of Organic Farming' award from 'Gujarat State Sahakari Bank Ltd'.
- 5. 1995 : 'New System of Organic Farming for Sugarcane' award from 'Dena Bank Ltd. Kolhapur' - Maharashtra.
- 6. 1996 : 'Environment Protection Award' from 'Bhartiy Sahitya Sevak Sangh' – Mumbai.
- 7. 1997 : 'The Second Gandhi of India' title from The world famous farmer 'Mr. Fukuoka' of Japan.
- 8. 1998 : 'Shri. Save' is Mr. Fukuoka of India' title from 'Jatan' 'Sarvoday Organization' of Baroda – Gujarat.
- 9. 1999 : 'Krushi–Vibhuti' award from 'Rotary Club of Dahanu' – Maharashtra.
- 10. 2000 : 'Jamnalal Bajaj Award' presented by the Honable Shri Krishna Kant -Vice President of India. For 'Organic Farming Science and Technology' and for 'Rural Development Work'.
- 11. 2001 : 'Gokul Award' from 'Kolhapur Jill Sahakari Milk Production Sangh' - Maharashtra.
- 12. 2002 : Certificate from 'Krushi & Sahakari Department of Gujarat Government' for 'Low input Organic Farming Technology'.
- 13 .2003 : Honoured with the 'Communal Harmony Certificate' for 'Adoption, Propagation and Publicity through a book on Organic Farming System' by 'Maharashtra Government'.
- 14. 2004 : 'Organic Farming Godfather award from 'Maharashtra Government – Krushi Department'.
- 15. 2005 : On the 56 year of 'India's Independence' the Governor Shri Naval Kishor Sharma of Gujarat gave award for 'Free Service to the Country'.
- 16. 2006 : 'National Award' from Sheri Sharad Pawar - Minister of Agriculture, for the 'Best Coconut Farmer'.
- 17. 2007 : 'Organic Farming Scientist' award from 'Gokhale Education Society'.
- 18. 2008 : 'Anubandhi Award' from 'Punyshlok Sadaguru Shiv – Paravati Foundatoon' Pune – Maharashtra.
- 19. 2008 : 'State Krushi Award' from 'Krushi Vighnan Centre – Ahamadnagar'.
- 20. 2008 : Certificate for 'Organic Farming Development' from 'The Gujrat Association for Agricultural Sciences'.
- 21. 2009 : 'Man of the Earth' Award from 'Janirs Internationa Residential & Junior College – Thane (Mumbai).
- 22. 2009 : 'Gram Shilpi' Award from Sheri Shankaracharya at 'Vishwa Mangal Gau Gram Yatra'- Gujarat.
- 23. 2010 : Receiving 'ONE WORLD Lifetime Achievement AWARD' from 'IFOAM –Germany'

Mr. Save & Mr. Bharat Mansata at Germany for:
'ONE WORLD Lifetime Achievement AWARD' from 'IFOAM – Germany'
N.B. Sir, now we have stopped sending our entries and Propagation work, because there is no support from Government side. Why? As you know all the way the 'Modern Farming System, and Chemical - Fertilizers Organization lobby works in India as well as abroad, to stop development and awareness of the 'Organic Farming System'.

Shri Save & Smt. Maltiba

Krushi Pandit Shri Save